Ensleigh South is a collection of bespoke contemporary houses which take their cues from the Georgian historic architecture of Bath whilst maximising current occupiers demands.
The StudioHIVE team whilst employed at Skanska acquired the site and secured planning, however once Skanska had made the decision to exit the residential market our role was to dispose of the site. We subsequently sold the site with detailed planning consent to Kersfield Developments in November 2014.
Studio Hive were retained by Kersfield Developments to deliver the project and we supported Kersfield in delivering phase 1 in 2016 and 2017, following which Kersfield then developed their own internal team to deliver phase 2 thereafter.
FCB Studios led the design approach and designed a scheme that maximises the views and integrates with the landscape. The housetypes were derivatives of the Skanska house types that were developed for Cambridge and Bath alike.
The site, whilst unallocated secured planning through delegated powers, which is unheard of for such a site in Bath, this was testament to the design ethos and the development teams’ approach to stakeholder engagement and sustainable development.